Thought of the Day Aug. 14, 2021
A Thought for TodayAugust 14, 2021 Hillview participated in something amazing last Friday, August 13. We are hosting the Ordination Service for our part of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference. Ordination Services do not usually happen in churches our size. I was ordained a Deacon thirty years ago at the Cathedral of the Rockies. I was […]
Prayer for Today Aug. 14, 2021
A Prayer for Today August 14, 2021 Gracious and loving God, As I interact with people I know this day, help me to be kind and grateful. As I meet people I do not yet claim as friends, help me to be kind and grateful. As I am helped by people in service jobs, help […]
Thought of the Day Jan. 25, 2021
A Thought for TodayJanuary 25, 2021 Our first confirmation class was last night via zoom. It was lovely to be with young women as we discussed plans for between now and Pentecost. We encouraged them to submit any questions they have about their faith. We told them that the answer to some of their questions maybe […]